lkcd-general list going away!!
Troy Heber
2004-12-03 20:51:45 UTC
Hello Everyone,

We have decided to consolidate the LKCD mailing lists into a single list. As
such we will be removing this list!

Everything will now be on the lkcd-***@lists.sourceforge.net list.

This means that if you are not currently subscribed to the lkcd-devel list
and wish to continue to keeping up with LKCD ***YOU NEED TO SUBSCRIBE***.

To subscribe to the lkcd-devel list go to:


And enter your email address and a password and press the "Subscribe" button.

Because of the way SourceForge manages mailing list archives, the current
location and format of the archives will go away once the list is removed. I
have placed the raw mbox format of the lkcd-general archives on the LKCD web
page here:


If you have any questions please let me know.



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